Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mirror State

After looking in the mirror for a while i start noticing more and more imperfections that i don't notice if i quickly look. But after i while i stop paying attention to them, and my mind starts to wander, i have to make myself focus on the mirror. After stareing into the mirror longer and logner I start thinking about myself, and who i am, and all the time i spend trying to make myself look better. I spend an averge of an hour a day at the gym, and try to eat as healty as possible, but its not because of health issues, its because of vanity. Then i start thinking that is why mirrors are needed, and i think of the story of Narcissist and how he cound't take his eyes off himself. This started to freak me out a little, and made me not want to look into the mirror any more. But i continued to look, and realized that i am happy with where i am, and i don't need to change a thing, even though there are a few thing that could be changed, if they don't i won't be that upset.

Media Consumption #9

After doin the media consuption log i find myself in a patter, doing the same things every day, sportcenter, 104.1, tv, bed.

Media Consumption Log #8

Typical day that starts with sportcenter, 104.1 to and from school, t.v. and bed

Media Consumption #7

Sick all day, but still watched a lot of televison, and checked my e-mail every hour i was so bored, but i hurt to much to leave my house.

Media Consumption #6

I slep in late, but once again i woke up and watched sportscenter. After that i went to sharon to see a friend, and was listening to Toucher and Rich on 104.1, they did a bit where they told an intern to push a button or they were going to get fired and the intern named Adolfo panicked, and i was laughing the whole way to sharon. I also noticed a billboard for simply smart milk, it caught my attention because that is the type of milk i drink. On the drive home from sharon i spent almost the entire trip on my cell phone, so i didn't pay much attention to any media around me. When i got home i was so tired that i just went straight to bed.

Media Consumption # 5

Lazy saturday morning. No sportscenter, but a good saturday movie, The Usual Suspects. After that my roomate showed me some funny videos on the internet, i don't know what websight though. After that i went to have dinner with my father, and while flipping through the stations i found myself listenting to Oldies 103.3, they were playing the wanderer, wich is one of my mother's and my favorite songs. After dinner with my father i went to a party, and the home to bed.

Media Consumption Log #4

Woke up early today, and sportcenter wasn't on yet, so i went shopping and listend to 104.1 wbcn in my car on the way. At the supermarket i was shocked when i was standing in line, and they had a television at every register showing advertisements. On the way home i listened to 107.3 waaf, wich is now also 97.7 so you can now hear it in Boston. When i got home i took a nap, before waking up to go out to the bars. They even have media on the tops of cabs, media is everywhere. After the bars i came home and went to bed.

Media Consumption #3

Today i woke up and watched sport center again. But then I fell back asleep. I woke up and checked my e-mail. Then i spent the whole day doing laundry and reading a maxim magazine. It was a very boring day, not filled with a lot of media. I finished my laundry, came home, did some homework, checked my e-mail and went to bed.

Media Consumption Log #2

Once again when i wake up, i find myself first puting on sportcenter to see what happend in all the games from the previous day. After that i then listen to 104.1 wbcn on my way to school, too tiard to pay attention. This time i went to the gym before going to class, and today i forgot my headphones, so i was forced to listen to the music the gym was playing. They had on Jammin 94.5, and it was ok for the first 30 min, but after that they started playing the same songs over and over. I swear i heard the same song 3 times in the two hours i was in the gym. After that i went to class early to check my E-Mail and finish my homework for my later class. After i came home from class i was so tired i fell asleep watching the life aquatic.

Media Consumption Log 1

Today i woke up, and the first media i consumed was sportscenter. After that i listened to 104.1 wbcn on my way to school. I was to tired to really pay attention to what they were saying, but it was good background noise. After class i went to the gym, and would occasionally catch myself looking up at the televisions. The Cosbey's was on one of the televisions, with the subtitles on so that you can read what was going on. After that i came home and played some video games, before watching 24, checking my e-mail, and going to bed.