Thursday, December 13, 2007

Outline for Franchise Deception

I. Planning
A. Discussions with Fred
B. Discussions with TMG
II. Taping
A. Getting Ready
1. Fred got equipment ready
2. Show up to state house
3. Set up camera
a. Tripod
b. Microphone
c. White Balance
B. Recording
1. Keeping speaker in focus
2. Keeping audio at proper levels
III. Editing
A. Digitizing Media
1. Plug camera into computer
2. Save all footage on hard drive
B. Rough Edit #1
1. Pull out all relevant information
2. Put in order
3. Discuss with Fred
C. Rough Edit #2
1. Fix problems from discussion with Fred
2. Extract audio
3. Put in titles
4. Discuss with Fred
D. Final Edit
1. Fix problems from discussion with Fred
2. Add title and credits
3. smooth rough edges
4. Add title menu
IV. Upload
A. Upload to various web sights
1. Blip TV
2. YouTube

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Zeitgeist is a three part documentary. Part one is about religion, its purpose is to disprove most religions. So if you are religious, please do not judge this movie by part one alone. Parts two and three are the two more important parts of this documentary, they focus on president bush and his administration, and 911.
Zeitgeist does a good job of using both sounds and images to tell a story. When the movie starts, all you see is a light, that kinda looks like a blinking star, and it speaks to you. This makes you focus on the words, and doesn't allow you to get lost in the images you see. When they are discussing 911, it shows a short paragraph that is trying to paraphrase 911. After giving you a minute to read the paragraph, they make it dark and hard to read, except for one part. They then go and explain why that part is a lie. It is a good way of breaking down what we are told what happened, and what they think happened, without confusing you. All of these techniques are good ways of getting a serious point across while keeping an audience interested.
This is a very powerful movie, it leaves a lot of questions unanswered. I feel it is important for movies like this to watched, for it is a good form of entertainment, but also talks about important issues in our society. I feel is if this movie really wants people to watch the second and third part, and by puting the part about religion before parts two and three they are doing themselves a disservice. Many people will not watch parts two and three because they are upset about what they have seen in part one.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mirror State

After looking in the mirror for a while i start noticing more and more imperfections that i don't notice if i quickly look. But after i while i stop paying attention to them, and my mind starts to wander, i have to make myself focus on the mirror. After stareing into the mirror longer and logner I start thinking about myself, and who i am, and all the time i spend trying to make myself look better. I spend an averge of an hour a day at the gym, and try to eat as healty as possible, but its not because of health issues, its because of vanity. Then i start thinking that is why mirrors are needed, and i think of the story of Narcissist and how he cound't take his eyes off himself. This started to freak me out a little, and made me not want to look into the mirror any more. But i continued to look, and realized that i am happy with where i am, and i don't need to change a thing, even though there are a few thing that could be changed, if they don't i won't be that upset.

Media Consumption #9

After doin the media consuption log i find myself in a patter, doing the same things every day, sportcenter, 104.1, tv, bed.

Media Consumption Log #8

Typical day that starts with sportcenter, 104.1 to and from school, t.v. and bed

Media Consumption #7

Sick all day, but still watched a lot of televison, and checked my e-mail every hour i was so bored, but i hurt to much to leave my house.

Media Consumption #6

I slep in late, but once again i woke up and watched sportscenter. After that i went to sharon to see a friend, and was listening to Toucher and Rich on 104.1, they did a bit where they told an intern to push a button or they were going to get fired and the intern named Adolfo panicked, and i was laughing the whole way to sharon. I also noticed a billboard for simply smart milk, it caught my attention because that is the type of milk i drink. On the drive home from sharon i spent almost the entire trip on my cell phone, so i didn't pay much attention to any media around me. When i got home i was so tired that i just went straight to bed.